
The solution to your cursor moving while typing on a laptop!

This might seem a little off topic for this blog, but for quite a while now I've been experiencing an annoying occurrence while typing on any one of our 3 laptops. Sometimes when I would write a whole e-mail to someone the cursor would all of a sudden highlight the whole conversation and then delete everything. Other times while quickly typing something important I would find my cursor had moved to another line in the paragraph and totally messed up what I was typing. 

My fiance, on the other hand, had not experienced this problem at all and I started to think I was either going crazy or that I was doing something wrong while typing. The only difference between our typing is that I type and he hunts and pecks  (quickly though, I must add). ;-) Today this moving cursor problem really got the best of me and irritated me more than usual. So, finally after all this time (I don't know what kept me from doing this all along) I did a Google search on it. 

Aha! Phew, I'm not the only one out there experiencing this problem! I found tons of forums with people trying to find the solution to this problem. It turns out the problem occurs when you are typing and inadvertently brush over the mouse touch pad. I hadn't realized I had been so close to it and done this, but now it made sense! The only problem now . . . finding a solution that will fix this! I found people with all types of solutions ranging from disabling the touchpad in between typing to using a USB mouse and disabling the touch pad permanently to changing the sensitivity setting of the mouse. I definitely didn't want to have to turn the touch pad on and off between typing as that would be extremely inconvenient plus I couldn't find out how to do that option anyway. Also, I didn't really want to have to get a USB mouse as that wouldn't fit on the laptop desk that I have. 

After several more searches on Google for more solutions to this problem I came across a program called TouchFreeze that automatically disables the touch pad for you whenever you type so the cursor can't jump around or click on anything. The specs says that it is for Windows NT, 2000, and XP, but I have Windows 7 and it works fine with this system. After typing this post I can successfully say that I've had no problems with typing or having my cursor move around. Thank you so much, TouchFreeze! You're a lifesaver!

If you're having this problem and want to download this program you can get it here: http://code.google.com/p/touchfreeze/downloads/list 


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